Saturday, August 30, 2008

Audacity indeed...

I'm trying, folks. I'm trying to get on the Hope Train and feel all warm and fuzzy about November. But a primordial streak of pragmatism runs in my family and it just keeps yanking me back to my dear old jaded self.

Of course this election is important and markedly different than any preceding it in the United States. But Obama's still a national politician, with a national politician's ego. I look at his legions of fans (and that's what it feels like--fans, not a populace that must, for it's own preservation, hold its politicians accountable in all things) and they make me nervous. Enjoy the show, folks. But tomorrow makes sure the man does his job.

I support Obama (and would anyway, even if the thought of John McCain in the White House didn't set off my IBS), but my support is tempered with genuine expectation. I seriously doubt he could do any worse than the current administration unless he suddenly shed his human form and started eating babies, but all the same, I want real change. And I want it in relatively short order.


  1. Is a steak of pragmatism like a side of cynicism?

    Also, hello!

  2. Hey, Val! :)

    I prefer not to think of myself as a cynic, but I might well be. Like all cynics, I'd prefer the moniker "realist"...but I'll leave it to everyone else to decide. ;)

  3. I take a side of cynicism with my streak of pragmatism. Politics is the ONLY thing I get that pragmatic about.
